Tough pork loin---suggestions for dinner tomorrow night?
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Tough pork loin---suggestions for dinner tomorrow night?
In article .com>,
> Hello gents and miladies:
> Normally when boneless pork loin goes on sale, I buy at least one and
> slice it into thick chops. The first ones are grilled that evening
> with a little olive oil and seasoning, the rest are frozen.
> Kroger has always had good pork loin...til now. I bought half a loin
> last week and cut chops and cooked 'em as usual. To say they were
> 'tough' is putting it mildly....
> So... if you have ideas for the remaining tough pork---about three or
> four pounds---please share. I thought about 'South American Pork soup"
> because it can be simmered forever, but we've had soup already this
> week. Nothing with kraut, please. I love it, the wife likes it, the
> girls can't stand to be in the same house when it's cooking....
> Thanks! -- Terry
Got a grinder?
Peace, Om
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