One time on Usenet, Andy <q> said:
> Little Malice said...
> > Nice to see y'all again... :-)
> Re-hi, Jani!
> And happy new year!
> You described misery! Sorry to hear it. About your ears, has the doctor
> cleared out your earwax? What a relief! I do it every other year. Then
> followed up with hydrogen peroxide to kill any infection lurking around.
> Mom used to make us use it after swimming to prevent "swimmer's ear."
Yes, I did have him clean out the wax, which as you said, is a great
relief! But there's still an infection, apparently a pretty resistent
one, dang it!
> Anyway... welcome back and all the best.
> Send food pix!
Thank Andy, I'll do that... :-)
Jani in WA