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Steve Y Steve Y is offline
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Posts: 124
Default Tough pork loin---suggestions for dinner tomorrow night? Lard101

Thankfully not all bacon sold in the UK is smoked, un-smoked (or green)
streaky is what I would use for this dish.

Streaky is a great bacon for using in cooking, it's not what I would use
as part of a fry-up (aka breakfast)

Recipes in older British Cookery books talk about "larding" game or
poultry before cooking, ie putting strips of fatty bacon over the birds
before cooking. Streaky bacon here in France is called "Lard" and gives
rise to "lardons" that are often found in salads here and probably what
ended up as "bacon bits" on American salad bars.

Lard in England is refined pork fat and is sold in butchers. (In French
it's called sandoux)


> In canada, pancetta is an Italian bacon sold in the deli counter, $10
> or more a pound. It's usually cut into very thin slices on top of
> cracker/bread. The flavor is too sutle to taste after in oven for over
> an hour.
> The bacon is refered as American smoked bacon, sold in bag for $3. It
> usually has 50% fat in it. Such make it good to wrap food in oven.
> Steve Y wrote:
>> If I had been writing for a purely British audience, I would have said
>> streaky bacon. Pancetta I thought was more universal (but certainly more
>> expensive)
>> Steve
>>> I think this stuffing method works better if you mix butter or lard
>>> with the herb to put inside. The cheaper bacon works better than
>>> pancetta.
>>> Or you can try make some Chinese bacon. Cut the pork loin along the
>>> length to 4 pieces. Marinate with dard soy saurce, brown sugar and salt
>>> for 3 days in the fridge. Then hang it dry for at least a week or more
>>> depending on the room humidity.
>>> To serve, steam the whole piece for 15 minutes, the cut into very thin
>>> slices.
>>> I like it better than pancetta. Never understand the fancination about
>>> expensive pancetta.
>>> Steve Y wrote:
>>>> Find a way of making a hole down the length, fill this with a suitable
>>>> stuffing of onions and herbs, wrap the fillet in pancetta and
>>>> thentinfoil and then give it 15 mins at a high heat and a 2 or 3 hours
>>>> at a fairly low heat. This should work
>>>> Steve
