Tough pork loin---suggestions for dinner tomorrow night?
> wrote in message
> Hello gents and miladies:
> Normally when boneless pork loin goes on sale, I buy at least one and
> slice it into thick chops. The first ones are grilled that evening
> with a little olive oil and seasoning, the rest are frozen.
> Kroger has always had good pork loin...til now. I bought half a loin
> last week and cut chops and cooked 'em as usual. To say they were
> 'tough' is putting it mildly....
> So... if you have ideas for the remaining tough pork---about three or
> four pounds---please share. I thought about 'South American Pork soup"
> because it can be simmered forever, but we've had soup already this
> week. Nothing with kraut, please. I love it, the wife likes it, the
> girls can't stand to be in the same house when it's cooking....
Perhaps roasting it in the oven, pre rummed in salt, pepper, creole
seasoning, and some finely grated garlic. (You might also cut four or five
slots in your toast and placing a whole fresh garlic clove inside the meat
for baking) Roast the pork as you would a typical roast this saze. I prefer
to cover it about half its baking time and then bake with out the foil When
you are almost ready to serve, slice pull the pork into edible sizes. You
can either cover all the roast with bbq sauce in a glass roasting and simmer
for anywhere from 15 hours to 100 an hour. I prefer tomato based sauces,
instead of vinegar but each will work. Served with sliced thing, fried rispy
potato rounds, and fresh grean beabs or perhaps a salad. My familiarity with
thie is of course my own tweaks and changes. Feel free to wallow in ideas.
HTH , if you want to exact proportions, cooking times, my veriations
etcetera. Hller.
> Thanks! -- Terry