Possible Chef scamming my parents...
Really dude get real.
I'm a programmer. My folks were concerned, and I wanted to see if it was
I'm 29, married, and have my own life thanks...
Thanks everyone for your responses. I appreciate them very much...
"Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
> none wrote:
> > Hi. My folks have hired a chef to help out with their menu, and I think
> > they're being scammed and I hope someone around here can point me in the
> > right direction. This chef has made a few strange comments that I don't
> > believe indicate his prowess as a chef.
> Disregarding your cooking questions, which others have already
> addressed, your entire posting is practically dripping with eagerness
> to find fault with this guy. There seems to be an unstated set of facts
> here, like maybe you're feeling alienation of affection from your
> parents. If that's the case, you gotta get rid of the guy, whether
> or not he's a good chef. I'd suggest getting real friendly with him,
> and seeing if you can get him involved with the Church of
> Scientology. I'm not suggesting YOU get involved -- I'm
> suggesting you get this other guy involved. You can pretend
> to be a Scientologist, if that helps. If you go down to your
> local Dianetics centre, and explain the whole plan, they'll be
> delighted to help you in any way that they can.
> That'll fix this guy. You might screw up his whole life.
> Hope this helps! :-)