Thread: Costco updates
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Blair P. Houghton Blair P. Houghton is offline
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Default Costco updates

I've discovered that if you go to Costco in the evening
(the ones near me are open until 8:30 on weeknights)
they're quite pleasant. The crowd is light, parrking is
ample, there are fewer screaming/running/stumbling brats,
and you don't have to maneuver around the sample-hawkers.

Anyway, I succumbed to the Stilton. Smallest piece I
could find was well over half a pound. So I cut it in
thirds and Tilia'ed two of them. In a couple of months
we'll know if Stilton freezes. I hope so. The bits that
I tasted were very nice. Like a tartly herbed brie. One
of the better Stiltons I've had.

I opened up that can of crab I got last week, split it
in thirds (it was a 1-lb can) and used the other third
for crabcakes. It's sweet, but not perfectly-sweet like
in-season dungeness can be. And it's all good-sized lumps;
about a centimeter thick; no frizzly filler or mealy claw
meat. And it's not full of water; almost the opposite.
The half-ounce or so of loose fluid was all at the bottom
of the can and I was afraid at first that the meat would
all be dry. But it was just about perfect for crabcaking.
So the crabcakes were just about perfect.

Oh, and I ran across this, which is so astonishing that
my jaw was alternately dropping and chuckling:

The last one was through a tear in the obligatory
yellow cellophane wrapper, to show that there was
no yellow inside.

I didn't get it, because I still have over a full gram
that I bought at Trader Joe's to go through. But if
Costco is still selling them when that's gone, I am so
going to give this a try. And if it's dreck, I'm taking
it back and telling them to stop selling it.
