orange pekoe
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Michael Plant
external usenet poster
Posts: 509
orange pekoe
> I would agree with you here Michael, I have to say that even if a black tea
> (say assam or ceylon) is labled as OP, or FOP, it's always broken somehwhat
> in the bag. The only full-leaf teas that steep and unfurl as actual whole
> leaves that I've seen are the oolongs and greens from Taiwan and China (also
> maybe some puerh leaves). Even sencha is a bit fragmented in the bags I've
> bought.
> Melinda
Yes, indeed. A "classically" made Darjeeling includes
a break-the-leaf-into-pieces step. Therefore the difference
between a B/roken O/range P/ekoe and a F/lowery O/range
P/ekoe must be a matter of leaf condition before production.
Or not. Who knows.
Put another way, if the leaf pieces are to be more or less
uniform in shape and size, their breakdown has to be
purposeful, not random. Or not. Who knows.
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Michael Plant
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