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Margaret Suran[_1_] Margaret Suran[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 742
Default PING: Steve Wertz

Serene wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 20:10:17 GMT, Margaret Suran
> > wrote:
>> I like sage less than anything else. Except for licorice and
>>pop corn.

> You don't like *popcorn*? Wow, I don't think I've ever met anyone who
> didn't like popcorn. You are as unique as everyone says you are (and
> now a hundred lurkers will come out and say they loathe the stuff).
> serene (also, may I have your share?)

Please, yes, take all of it, every little kernel of Popcorn I may ever
be offered.

You may also have all the beer, all the coke (the kind to drink), all
other sodas and all Champagne. If I drink something, it has to be
dead, not jump around in my mouth. I have never had a whole glass of
beer or soda. Champagne tastes like rotten Ginger Ale.

While we are at it, take any caviar that may come my way. It is a
tricky kind of food, looking like perfectly good blackberry jam and
tasting like spoiled fish. Salty spoiled fish. A big disappointment.

Truly, If I did not eat it before I was five or six years old, it is
not likely that I will like it now. I had my first real cup of coffee
when I was forty and in the following year I started to drink wine and
booze. Now I have to make up for all the years I missed.

There was a restaurant we used to pass by, when my husband was still
alive, The Ground Round and they served freshly popped popcorn as a
freebie. It was such a nauseating smell, Erich would make sure to
make a detour, so I would not have to encounter the hated aroma.