Condiments - Vinegar
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Condiments - Vinegar
ScratchMonkey > wrote in message >. ..
(Carnivore269) wrote in
> om:
> > Hellman's now makes a Lime
> > based dressing called "mayonnaisa" with an "a" instead of an "e" on
> > the end and it is divine! It tastes just like the citrus based mayo
> > that mom taught me to make. :-)
> Is that the stuff with the orange lid, or something different? The one I
> buy still uses vinegar as its prime ingredient, but uses lime instead of
> lemon further down the list.
I don't think so...
The one I get has NO vinegar in it. :-)
If you can't find it, I'd be delighted to share the
recipe/instructions for making your own citrus based mayonnaise. It
can be made in any good blender in about 20 minutes with a good
quality veggie oil.
Let me know?
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