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Default Which food gives he most stinking shit ?

wrote in message >. ..
> :> The laws apply to US citizens... not illegal aliens... you should have
> :> shoved them all in a Yugo and drove them back to Mexico...
> :>
> :> ~john!
> : Gee;
> : In Canada The law applies to all.
> : For better or worse aliens (illegal or whatever) enjoy all the protection
> : that the law gives to natural-born citizens.
> : And you know what- I think our (Canadian) system is miles ahead.
> : Go figure.
> : Ken.
> No, the laws _do_ apply to all in the US. The reason they don't want
> to complain is that if law enforcement finds out that they are there,
> they will be deported back to Mexico.
> Canada is no different than the US as far as this goes, contrary to
> the two mistaken posters above.

Top posting fixed...
It really does help with tracking the thread Joe!

You are right. The one reason that I don't complain about the family
down the street is that I don't want to hurt them! They are not doing
anything wrong, not really. Just living under rather sub-standard
conditions. :-(

They get help from around here, a little at a time. I don't know if
any are illegal or not and I don't care. They are fellow humans and
deserving of as much help as I/we can afford...

As long as the kids appear well cared for, there is no harm being
