I think the single bush dancong from Jing and M&
Js are the best I've
Jing had wonderful Yulan and Song Zhong dancong last year. I also
really like the Ba Xian from
www.mandjs.com--you should ask Mike for
his reccomendations directly, I think he only carries single bush. He
also has a page on how to brew it traditionally: fill the pot with so
much tea that once you wet it down it fills the pot 80% full. Short
steeps: 4-5 seconds for the first 8, then increasing.
Melinda wrote:
> Is anyone drinking a dan cong they are particularly fond of at the moment
> and willing to share the place they got it? (something I could get now
> please). I'm trying a sample from Jing's that's nice but would like to get a
> recomendation of more. Thanks!
> Melinda
> --
> "I know. You know I know. I know you know I know. We know Henry knows,
> and Henry knows we know it."
> We're a knowledgeable family." ::smiles:: -Geoffrey, Lion in Winter