Thread: Ice Storm
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janerene janerene is offline
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Default Denver update (Was Ice Storm

We're having our Stock Show here in Ft. Worth, too, right now. And the
weather is horrible here! Freezing rain and wind chills in the teens. That
is cold for us. My brother lives in the Denver area, too, (Littleton) and
they have had bunches of snow. He said it had been waist high in their back
yard. brrrr! One flake of snow is too much for me! Jane

"Puester" > wrote in message
>T wrote:
>> In article >,
>> says...

>>> It's still very mild and rainy here. Was in the 50's. That cold front
>>> missed west TN.
>>> Jill

>> Got up to 53F in Providence, RI today. Rained on and off all day, but
>> nothing major.

> It got to 8 below zero overnight and we had a high of +6 deg F today in
> the Denver area. This is classic mid-January cold and long-time residents
> call it "Stock Show weather" because it usually happens when the National
> Western Stock Show is in town.
> That's Colorado's version of a State Fair, mostly indoors, mostly cold,
> and mostly animal exhibits and sales. It attracts people from all over
> the world and they actually ship cattle from as far away as South America
> and Australia. We've seen breeds the city dweller has never heard of,
> plus horses, sheep, goats, llamas, hogs, and lots of small animals. The
> sales floor ranges from orchid plants to dewars of bull semen, cattle
> trailers, all kinds of southwestern kitsch, and every style of cowboy hat
> you can imagine. Lots of rodeos, horse shows, etc. in the nearly two week
> show. The downside is the usually frigid weather.
> gloria p