Tonight's dinner
In article >,
PeterL > wrote:
> > As much of a carnivore as I am, it's not always necessary. :-)
> Yeah, know that.
> I have a grass muncher meal about once in a blue moon.
> Gives me that "Yeah, I've done a good thing, and saved a small animal"
> shit thing.... and then 2 hours later, I'm hungry again.
I never do it just for that reason. :-) I like green stuff.
I find rice to be especially filling.
> I had quite a few vego meals back when I was married to a U.S. girl.
> I was probably the sickest, and weakest, I have ever been in my life
> during that period.
All I know is that my blood cell counts are higher now that I'm careful
to include meat with (mostly) every meal. My "health nut" doc even told
me so.... but I get tired of meat sometimes! Odd that, it used to be a
non-affordable treat! B-vitamins are abundant in meats, but
non-exisitent in veggies (except yeast but those are a kingdom unto
themselves)) and B-vitamins are vital for blood production.
> My partner, at that time, had 3 cats that she was also trying to turn
> into vegos.
BAD idea!
Bad bad bad!!!
> They used to love it when she went to work and *I* fed them :-)
> We are, and they are, carnivores FFS!!!
Yer preachin' to the choir here dear!
> > In fact, when I cook "ahead", the veggies tend to run out first!
> Hey!! I always use a shiteload of vegies when I cook a meal. They are an
> *accompaniment*........ to go with the protein in the meal. They are the
> 'ruffage'.
Indeed. And they are satisfying.
> >
> > I've got to cook more veggies today to go with the leftover chicken
> and
> > turkey I roasted yesterday. I'm also going to make up a batch of rice
> > with the roasted drippings as "stock". <G>
> I'm going to do up a shiteload of rice, layer it out and cover with
> paper towel, put it in the fridge and leave it for 3 days, then turn it
> into fried rice.
Oh, damn.
That sounds good!
Do you make your rice with stock?
I _never_ cook rice with water any more... Bland and boring.
> Tonight was a Thai beef stir fry with noodles.
> The SO said I was too heavy handed with the chilli though :-(
Peace, Om
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