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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Rice cooker oatmeal

Dimitri wrote:
> I finally broke down and purchased a rice cooker.
> We much prefer the Irish Steel cut oatmeal.
> There are 2 settings on the cooker, brown & white rice.
> I have been experimenting setting the cooker at night & using the delay start.
> Any successes or failures or recipes?

I can't imagine a rice cooker can be set to cook long enough to cook
steel cut oats.. it's not the delay start that's needed, it's the
length of cooking time. I use my slow cooker and set it for 7 hours at
low... I don't use a delay start, don't think it's a good idea to let
the oats sit in cold water any length of time anyway, I start the slow
cooker just before retiring for the night (it's all ready to go, even
have the oats measured, just gotta dump em in and hit start... when I
awake in the morning it's done and already kicked in to the keep-warm
cycle. Just have to stir and eat, I make enough at once to last a
week, keep it in the fridge and nuke how much I want each morning,
I've found that two cups of oats with nine and a half cups water works
well... about a tsp salt is optional, and enough butter to grease the
inside of the crock to prevent sticking (I suppose you can use a
cooking spray but real butter is what I want, plus I don't use any kind
of sprays, why would a normal brained person want to breathe in
aerosols, bad as smoking, maybe worse). Only need about a Tbls of
butter to grease a crock, spread over seven portions that little bit of
fat is not worth considering.