Thread: Ice Storm
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notbob notbob is offline
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Default OT Denver update (Was Ice Storm

On 2007-01-14, sandi > wrote:

> press pot and different coffees I can grab off the shelves.

Arrghhh!.... Sandi, at least try and find a local roaster or cafe to
buy fresh coffee from. Coffee, once it's been roasted, is time
sensitive. After a couple weeks the quality drops like a rock.
Ideally, it should be used 2 days to 2 weeks after roasting. The
stuff on your supermarket shelf is more like weeks to months old
before it ever gets to their shelf and vac paks don't mean a thing.
Some Costcos and Whole Foods roast on the premises. If you have to,
look on the internet for roasters who will sell you time dated roast
coffee. It's definitely more pricey, but the improvement over
supermarket coffee is an order of magnitude better. Trust me. You
are moving down the right path to better coffee. Don't stop now.
