In article >,
PeterL > wrote:
> Omelet > wrote in
> news
> >>
> >>
> >> You're obviously using the wrong sort of rice then ;-)
> >
> > Well, the red or black rice works ok as it has it's own nutty flavor,
> Hmmmmmm, red rice!!
> We've got black rice over here, we call it wild rice. Blooody expensive
> too!!
The advantage of having an asian market. :-d
> > (I never cook white rice any more) but I still like it better in
> > stock.
> >
> Basmati is a good low GI rice. Tasty too.
Perhaps... but I can't get the house mate to eat any white rice.
We do cook regular cheap brown rice but I at least like to mix it with a
little of the others for visual appeal. Texture too. Red and black rices
are very high in fiber.
> >>
> >> Or your water is pretty crappy.
> >
> > Bingo. <G> I have to use bottled water to cook with sometimes.
> > Fortunately, I can get purified water for $.25 per gallon from a
> > vending machine at wal-mart. It's cheaper to do that than it would be
> > to purchase and maintain my own system.
> I didn't know you lived in India!!!!
> :-)
City water has fluoride added.
I really don't want that in my diet. My thyroid function sucks bad
enough as it is.
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson