kilikini wrote on 15 Jan 2007 in
> Koko wrote:
> > On Sun, 14 Jan 2007 12:38:48 -0600, notbob >
> >
> >> On 2007-01-14, kilikini > wrote:
> >>
> >>> I made some right after Christmas and it was awesome. Hope yours
> >>> turns out well, too! Oh, and you're welcome! :~)
> >>
> >> It's freezing here in CA. Hit 22 deg F last night. Hasn't been
> >> cold in over 40 yrs. The citrus crops are taking it in the shorts
> >> and I'm dressed like I live in CO. I need some hot rib-sticking
> >> soup. None of that wimpy dishwater stuff. 
> >>
> >> nb
> >
> > In east San Diego county we got to 14* last night and looks like the
> > same for tonight. Our water pipes froze.
> >
> > Koko
> > A Yuman being on the net
> > (posting from San Diego)
> 14????? That's got to be a record.
> kili
> --
I feel for you. Welcome to my world, around here it was -40 F last
night; if you factor in the windchill. People (college students) around
here, have been known to wear shorts outside if the temps go above 10 F
in the winter.
But it must be hard to adjust to the unexpected cold weather. When I was
in Los Vegas a few years ago I thought it was weird that local people
were wearing heavy jackets when I felt reasonably comfortable in my shirt
sleeves; the temp was in the high 40's F. I guess it's all what you're
used to.
I'm guessing with this supposed global warming the there will be unusual
weather all over, for a period of years, till it settles back into a
pattern. I suggest you get clothing suitable for all extremes. It
couldn't hurt.
I find hot oatmeal porridge warms me up, also look for that barley beef
recipe posted earlier in this month. Stews work to warm you as well.
There is something comfortable about wrapping your hands around a mug of
hot chocolate.
Be extremely wary about driving in this weather as you might not be used
to icy roads.