Thread: bread machines
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Mr. G D Geen Mr. G D Geen is offline
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Posts: 8
Default bread machines

OK, I hope this is not too troll-ish.

I bought myself a bread machine for Christmas. I had recently started
making my own bread, rolls, etc. and thought that this little gadget may
make things a little easier. All in all I would say yes, it does make
bread making a little easier as it takes care of the kneading and rising
issues without my intervention. It does not, however, really save time.
What it will do is have a loaf a bread ready for dinner when I get
home from work. That is a really nice feature and I do not need to wait
until midnight to eat dinner.

I am not sure that it was worth the investment. At times I do not think
so but at other times it is just so nice to dump the ingredients into
the hopper and press the button. At best I can say I am ambivalent
about bread machines.

OK, I know that this topic has been done to death. Now, finally having
used one I have an opinion. I will now sit back and wait for the flames
to roll in.

Live well. -G