Mr Libido Incognito > wrote in
> PeterL wrote on 14 Jan 2007 in
>> Hmmmmm, I don't use salt either.
>> I use one of those microwave rice cooker thingies.
> How does that hinder adding salt?
I've never seen the need to add salt to rice while it's cooking. As I
said, I use a 'fragrant' rice, like Basmati, or Jasmine.
> Also adding a pat of butter to the water can improve flavour.
> Some folk like to panfry their rice in a flavourful oil till golden
> brown; before boiling it. That can improve flavour as well.
Might just give those tricks a whirl to see what they turn out like.
I'm *always* open to suggestions :-)
Peter Lucas
'Enjoy today, it was paid for by a veteran'