silly question
On Mon, 15 Jan 2007 20:41:23 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>In article .com>,
> "Sheldon" > wrote:
>> why there are so darned many produced. And there are no more Home Ec
>> classes because they were sexist... I'm suprised at you.
>> Sheldon
>Must've been the school I went to in the late 50's -- the guys had to
>have at least a quarter (it was the quarter system then) and the girls
>had to have at least a quarter of shop. I still have my letter holder
>from that class.
My son went to the last Jr Hi in my city that had woodshop and home ec
or whatever it was called at that time. Cooking, he already knew
because he learned it from me.... but he actually learned to use a
needle & thread *and* a sewing machine, so when his clothes needed
mending - he did it. And that's a good thing.
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