silly question
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> Melondy Hill > wrote:
>> This is how I have always understood the terms. It's more a definition
>> of temperature and method than amount of fat in the pan. I've noticed
>> however, in the last few years how correct terms have disappeared from
>> recipes in books, magazines, Internet and tv show recipes. Now they just
>> say what size pan or pot and use the distinct term "cook" the food. I
>> guess it's a total dumbdown for the newbie cooks but sure isn't very
>> exact or educational.
>> Hope you don't mind my butting in for a minute or two.
>> Melondy
> It is exactly a total dumbdown for inexperienced cooks. I had an
> interesting conversation about it with the former editor of the local
> rag's food section. I hadn't noticed it (because I don't read cookbooks
> the way she still does) but she pointed out how method instructions have
> changed. "They don't teach how to cream butter and sugar in Home Ec
> classes any more. If you can find a Home Ec class."
> I like your explanations, Melondy. Thanks for coming forth. Since you
> have, I'm curious about something. You can email me if you wish. Why
> do you lurk and not post? What do you get from the group? No insults
> or anything -- just curiosity. Thanks. :-)
Hmmm... Why lurk and not post? Well, I used to post occasionally back
when I first got on the internet in 1996 and found my pathway to the
wonderful world of "Newsgroups!" Spent most of my time around food
groups, especially bread and baking, but mostly I 'hung out' at
rec.equestrian. I think I stopped posting because of a big huge battle
that happened there. It just got so ugly and nasty and totally off
topic, I just couldn't keep up with all the filtering I had to do and
back then my filters didn't work as easily as they do know. And most of
the trouble centered around one individual that, believe me, could have
given lessons to Sheldon in being the ultimate PITA poster, with the
best English and literary skills. Talk about being able to stir the pot!
I guess I reached a point where the discomfort outweighed the community
joy I had had. I even quit lurking in most of the newsgroups, just
going to Deja News for research type info.
Then when I finally ventured back to newsgroups, it seemed like so many
new people had found Usenet and had their communities up to speed that
I, as a rather quiet, shy person, didn't like to interrupt other people.
That's so silly, too. I can hear my mom's voice telling me to not
"interrupt your elders, be a good girl." But that's really what Usenet
is all about, isn't it? LOL! Trying to make yourself heard and sharing
with other people. I guess I miss that, especially when it comes to
things I really love, like food and cooking.
And then, I guess one other reason to not post but just lurk is sheer
laziness or time constraints. It's so easy to just pop in and read a
few, laugh at a few posts, tell my hubby what's the latest, and not
contribute. But I do feel bad about that sometimes. It seems so just
'take, take, take' and never giving back. So I guess that's why I
decided to come out to play. Test the waters. See if there was room for
one more, at least occasional poster and not just lurker. I know I'm
not the only busy person here, and that others make time for it in their
lives, so why shouldn't I if it's for one of my favorite subjects.... FOOD!
So that's why I'm here now. Nice to finally meet you. I've 'read' alot
about you over the years.