"yetanotherBob" > wrote
> says...
>> Thank you all for your suggestions, I really appreciate it. I am going
>> to
>> try Wegman's and an A&P. I know of a couple of Asian stores, but
>> I am already pushing the limits of how far I trust my car to take me.
>> Poor thing is making a noise you wouldn't believe.
> Sorry to hear about your ride. You need to call the Car Talk guys,
> Click & Clack.
> My advice is mostly self-serving, since hearing callers and the Tappet
> brothers trying to describe a noise and pin down its cause is always one
> of the most entertaining parts of their program.
(laugh) Thanks for the thought! I don't think I can make this noise.
A grinding scraping LOUD noise. Happens when the weather gets
cold. Add to that the short in the antenna, that will start going up and
down with its own grinding roiling noise.
> I think they have an inventory of recorded car noises on their web site.
> I don't know whether they're real or simulated, but you could check. It
> may help you out, and/or at least give you a laugh or two.
I will check it out, thanks. I already laughed at the idea of trying to
mimic the sound on radio.