"JohnO" > wrote:
> > >
> > > I dunno about the myth part. If you have not read Flyboys, the
> > > follow-up to Flags of our Fathers by James Bradley, you have no idea
> > > the miserable stuff that went on in the Pacific war. Both sides were
> > > brutal, and bullets dipped in pig blood doesn't even register on the
> > > 'nasty' list.
> > >
> > > BTW, Flags is one of the best WW2 books I've ever read.
> >
> > Why thanks, JohnO. Pathe Movietone News during WW II was more immediate
> > for me.
> I've seen a few of those on DVD, and they're (roughly) the 40's version
> of CNN. And people complain about news bias today. :-)
I dunno about the DVD's. I watched them at the Kent Theater on McKlean Ave.
in Yonkers, every Wednesday night during the war. We were fighting a war on
two fronts. Those reports maintained public support and enlistments. I'm
glad they did, otherwise we'd be speaking German or Japanese today, instead
of English. I haven't read Flyboys or Flags of Our Fathers. My memories are
vivid enough!
Nick. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their families!
Thank a Veteran and Support Our Troops. You are not forgotten. Thanks ! ! !
~Semper Fi~