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Bob (this one)
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Default where to correctly measure braising temperature?

OpenMac wrote:
> hi,
> when slow braising on a stovetop (cuz my silly oven won't reach/maintain
> a stable temp below 225F ... ), I'd like to "monitor & mmanage" the temp.

Braising isn't done in an oven with a lower temp than that. What
recipe calls for temps below 225? If you have a recipe like that,
ditch it.

Get a decent cookbook and read about braising. Forget measuring temps,
forget precision here. This is one of the most forgiving methods of


> where in the pot is best to measure the temperature with a digital
> probe, and what is the 'right' temperature for a 'slow braise'?
> e.g., a 3# veal shank, sitting on top of rutabaga & carrot quarters in a
> wine braising liquid, inside a LeCresuet pot.
> should the probe be placed:
> (a) in the braising liquid?
> (b) in the veal shank?
> (c) 'suspended' in mid-air in the pot?
> and, wherever's best, what are the 'right' temps?
> thanks,
> richard