Thread: silly question
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Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] is offline
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Default silly question

sf wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:44:06 GMT, Melondy Hill >
> wrote:
>>Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>>>Sheldon replied to Melondy:
>>>>I don't mind anyone butting in only you don't know what you're talking
>>>>about... all frying is cooking in fat within a very narrow temperature
>>>>range... defining frying by the type of vessel used is just plain
>>>Welcome to the PARTICIPATING members, Melondy! Pay no attention to Sheldon;
>>>he's impotent and stupid, with all the charm of a malignant tumor on the
>>>anus of a toad.

>>You have such a way with words! And i would love to participate more if
>>you will indulge my intrusions. Hope I can add a little to a delightful
>>corner of the internet.

> You don't need an invitation to make a comment. Just post what's on
> your mind. Of course, social norms are in place here... however much
> certain people choose to disregard them. That's why kill files were
> invented. If you have one, learn to use it. I put most people on a
> time limit because I know they will eventually change tracks... but
> certain posters are in my permanent KF. I've only killed 3 posters.
> One is permanent (and not in this news group). All the other two have
> to do is shut up for two days and they are out of my KF.... but that
> won't happen any time soon, so I'm safe. LOL

I use my mail filters much more liberally at this point i have over 50
"people" filtered, but none of them regular contributors to this news
group, well ok one who don't even need to be named, the rest are all
cross posters from the more absurdist "kook" groups.

Call ne a immature felinis domesticus but i don't even want to see the
titles some of those "people" put on their posts.