Toad in the Hole ?
I've heard the name, now I tried the recipe.
It took almost 10 extra baking minutes
to start a "puffed, crisp, golden" appearance.
Texture ?... like french toast.
Taste ? BLAND !! ( is this the notorious Brit palate ? )
It needs catsup ? maple syrup ? japalenos ?
If I tried it again, I'd use Jiffy CornMuffin mix for the batter.
1 lb. small pork link sausages
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1 cup all-purp flour
1/2 tsp. salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 tbs. butter, melted
Fry the sausages until lightly browned and all the fat has rendered.
Place sausages in a 9 inch square baking dish.
Place milk, eggs, flour, salt, pepper and butter in a blender. Blend 1
minute until smooth. Pour batter over the sausages and bake uncovered in
a 400 deg (F) oven for 30 minutes. The batter should be puffed, crisp
and golden brown.