Thread: bread machines
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Mr. G D Geen Mr. G D Geen is offline
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Posts: 8
Default bread machines

Frank103 wrote:
> I have to keep this post short because my doctor told me I had a bad case of
> the Egyptian Flu. I told him I never heard of the Egyptian Flu. He said it
> was kind of like the Asian flu except you catch it from you mummy......
> Nevermind.
> According to King Arthur's Bakers Companion(pg.194), bread machines do a
> better job kneading bread than kneading by hand or using an electric
> mixer. Consequently, if I had a bread machine, which I don't, I would use it
> for kneading only and do everything else myself and get the best of both
> worlds.

I will agree that the bread machine does a better job of kneading than I
do. I also like the idea of tossing in the ingredients and letting
the machine do its thing. -G