Using Dolce de Leche??
On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 19:49:42 -0500, Jo Anne Slaven
> wrote:
>On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 23:32:00 -0500, Karen AKA Kajikit
> wrote:
>>(I'm too chicken to attempt to make my own, but I've been tempted to
>>buy the premade kind in the grocery store. One of these days...)
>Karen, there is another way to make it.
>Take the top off the can, then cover the can tightly with aluminum
>foil. Put the can into a shallow pan of some kind, and add water to
>about half-way up. (This is a "Bain-Marie.") Add a lid.
>Stick it in the oven at a temperature low enough that the water
>doesn't boil. I'm thinking 225 F might do it.
>Leave it there for around 3 hours. Check your water level
>occasionally. After the 3 hours, check for doneness, and return to the
>oven for longer if necessary.
>If you want to get double use from your electricity, do a pot roast at
>the same time.
>I've never tried this, so I can't vouch for the results. I prefer to
>live on the edge and boil the can. :-)
That sounds a lot less hazardous to life and limb (and I use the oven
on low heat quite a bit)... I'll have to try that, especially since DH
bought a whole case of condensed milk at costco and we only use about
one can a YEAR!