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TheSkinnyCook TheSkinnyCook is offline
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Default Healthy smoothie recipe : durian smoothie

jmcquown wrote:
> And if you've never smelled Durian before, be prepared to wear an oxygen
> mask

it's all in the mind. If you think sweet custard, or sweet icecream or
sweet fruit, you can eat it. If you start thinking socks, then you are
out before you try, and that's a real pitty.

The Thai durian has less smell compared to the Malaysian one. Thai
durians are exported to Holland, so maybe also to Vancouver, that could
explain why no durian smell.

In malaysia the durian sellers need to give customers a taste,
so just by putting your nose in the air,
you know who is selling durians
(but you must be blind not to see the big fresh fruits...).

Try before you buy!

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