PeterL > wrote in news:Xns98B9EBB0DEB4D9999999@
> Omelet > wrote in
> news
>>> You're obviously using the wrong sort of rice then ;-)
>> Well, the red or black rice works ok as it has it's own nutty flavor,
> Hmmmmmm, red rice!!
> We've got black rice over here, we call it wild rice. Blooody expensive
> too!!
Black rice isn't wild rice. Black rice is a real rice (Oryza sativa) as
opposed to wild rice which is from a different, unrelated plant (Zizania
aquatica). The black rice Om is talking about is also known as black
glutinous rice or black sticky rice. The bran on the grains is coloured
black - if you remove the bran the grain is white underneath.
Rhonda Anderson
Cranebrook, NSW, Australia