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Default Not all Supermarket Clerks are Stupid :)

The young man at the grocery checkout surprised me by (a) knowing what an
'unmarked' bundle of kale was and (b) looked at my yellow squash and
zucchini and said, "Oh, grilled squash - slice it, brush with a little oil,
salt and pepper, it's great!" He couldn't have been more than 18, if that.
And *cute*! Attention: we have a budding chef in checkout lane 7! Nice
way to wind up a shopping trip.

Oh, the other things I got were 8 meaty, well marbled 3/4 inch pork steaks
on sale for $5.48 for the package. I'll have to Tilia or otherwise package
some of those. Also got 6 beer bratwursts, which I can certainly grill
and/or otherwise use over the next few days.

Also got 2 nice meaty lamb shanks for under $5. The butcher had to go in
the back to find some for me. I can sure use the bones to make a nice stock
for a barley soup later after I braise them. I didn't spend more than $31,
I was so happy!

Thanks for the lamb shank reminder, Joe and Van... think I'll use RED wine
for mine and beef stock. It's been a long time since I braised lamb shanks
but IIRC it's a red meat, not white, and well benefits the taste of the
lamb. Also, Joe, thicken the gravy with some mashed potatoes. I think
you'll find it helps.
