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Default Not all Supermarket Clerks are Stupid :)

>The young man at the grocery checkout surprised me by (a) knowing what an
>'unmarked' bundle of kale was and (b) looked at my yellow squash and
>zucchini and said, "Oh, grilled squash - slice it, brush with a little oil,
>salt and pepper, it's great!" He couldn't have been more than 18, if that.


You had better luck than we did at Costco last night. Buying major packages
of chicken breasts & steaks for BBQ on the 4th...were a bit drippy, so I'd put
them in plastic bags. Caught the clerk trying to slide other food items into
the bags with the meat & when I asked her not to, got a shocked stare & some
"18 year old 'tude." Evidently there is still someone out there who has not
heard about the evils of cross contamination...she does now.
Happy 4th y'all!