>> The young man at the grocery checkout surprised me by (a) knowing
>> what an 'unmarked' bundle of kale was and (b) looked at my yellow
>> squash and zucchini and said, "Oh, grilled squash - slice it, brush
(snipped self)
> You had better luck than we did at Costco last night. Buying major
> packages of chicken breasts & steaks for BBQ on the 4th...were a bit
> drippy, so I'd put them in plastic bags. Caught the clerk trying to
> slide other food items into the bags with the meat & when I asked her
> not to, got a shocked stare & some "18 year old 'tude." Evidently
> there is still someone out there who has not heard about the evils of
> cross contamination...she does now.
> Happy 4th y'all!
> NT
Hopefully she listened; probably didn't if she gave you the " 'tude".
My (take that with a grain of salt) clerk knew to put them in separate bags.
He even separated the pork steaks from the bratwurst and the lamb shanks in
different plastic bags, then put them together in one larger bag. The
veggies were kept separate. He seemed fascinated when I told him the kale
was actually mostly for my small parrot. Parrots like kale? So I've heard.
She loves celery and celery leaves, spinach, apples (only certain ones) and
slices of oranges. Really? Yep, really.
Too bad it's raining here again, foiling my grill plans. So I took two of
the pork steaks (large, they are), cut them in half, trimmed off the outer
fat (these are well-marbled pork steaks), seasoned with salt & pepper.
Browned them and put them in the crockpot on HIGH with a little beef stock,
a pinch of dried oregano, minced garlic and onion. They'll stew there for
another couple of hours and I'll adjust the seasonings to taste. I suppose
I'll heat up some beans & greens to go with them in a couple of hours, if
I'm hungry, which I'm currently not