Scrapple in a can
beta wrote:
> what is scrapple?
> please don't tell me to google it.. that's so anti-social
> EVERYBODY could google everything...
> this is not a google referral service is it?
Bravo for not googling it!
It's pieces of Italian truffles and fermented pork
embedded in a solid block of aspic. Thinly sliced
and pan-fried in ultra-extra virgin olive oil, it
becomes something like a giant golden potato chip.
But the experience of eating it is absolutely
indescribable. Your mouth literally goes numb,
as the aroma totally overrides your sense of taste.
As the scrapple breaks into little pieces and
releases even more aroma, for about 15 minutes or
more, the sensory part of your brain will be completely
overwhelmed by the scrapple. Your ears will ring,
if you hear anything at all. If somebody is in
the same room with you talking at you, you'll
see their lips move but you'll only hear disconnected
sounds, not speech. Your vision will become blurred
(true scapple enthusiasts say you should close your
eyes while eating scrapple -- but that's only so
they can steal any unused portion from your plate).
After the effect wears off, you'll feel a strong
urge to obtain more scrapple, but unfortunately
if you do, it won't have the same effect. You've
got to stay away from scrapple for a few days
before you can get that kind of effect again.
If you eat scrapple too frequently, you'll lose
this effect altogether, so it's really best to indulge
only a few times a year. Hope this helps! :-)