Haggis in a can - Was Scrapple in a can
On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 18:28:02 -0500, "Felice Friese"
> wrote:
>Well, there's bad news and good news from Boston.
>The bad news is I haven't yet found any of my usual scrapples in town. The
>good news is that the canned stuff from Vermont Country Store contains all
>the requisite unspeakable pig parts and passes as a substitute. (Yeah, I
>know I could make it, but don't start in on me.)
>The VCS scrapple comes in a 28-ounce (#10?) can and because of the diameter
>and some air bubbles it doesn't lend itself to slicing. So I de-canned the
>bulk and formed it into patties (chilling helps) and pan-fried them.
I was at a froo froo market in Sac last weekend (Corti Bros, for you
locals) and saw both haggis in a can and VEGETARIAN haggis in a can.
Having had and enjoyed the real thing at a Burns Supper in England,
the canned haggis was bizarre enough, but the thought of ???vegetarian
haggis??? What the hell? I guess that's like vegetarian bacon, eh
what? Or vegan eggs.
The mind boggles indeed.