On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 21:54:17 GMT, Tara > wrote:
>On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 13:27:29 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>>Besides, they don't take much work, just time.
>>And there *are* recipes that start then in a cold oven, too. Doesn't
>>get much easier than that. :-)
>You're right; they are not much work at all. I have made Dutch Baby
>pancakes before, but for some reason, I thought that popovers were a
>lot more fiddly to prepare. I did use a recipe that starts with a
>cold oven.
>>Please, though, if you freeze some, report back on how they served up a
>>month later.
>I already tossed the leftovers to the birds. I can see that they
>don't keep.
>> Are you wanting to freeze them because the typical recipe
>>uses 1 cup flour and 1 eggs? Halve the ingredients and make four
>>instead of eight! Fresh has to be best.
>The recipe I followed used four eggs, two cups of flour, and two cups
>of milk! It was from a Paula Deen cookbook. It filled twelve muffin
>cups and there was enough batter left to make a Dutch Baby pancake.
>I'll make a smaller batch next time I do this.
How long did you cook them and at what setting? I've never heard of
starting them in a cold oven before this thread.
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