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sheelagh sheelagh is offline
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Posts: 9
Default Scrapple in a can

Ace Berserker wrote:
> beta wrote:
> > Felice Friese wrote:
> >
> > > Oooh! You're in Scrapple Heaven! Some Sunday morning I'm going to show up on
> > > your doorstep.
> > >
> > > Felice

> >
> > what is scrapple?
> >
> > please don't tell me to google it.. that's so anti-social
> >
> > EVERYBODY could google everything...
> > this is not a google referral service is it?
> >


Well fancy finding you here Nick, what a suprise....

So kind of you to do something that someone has specificaly asked you
not to.
Are you really a lack wit, or do you just pretend to be one?

Is it because you fancy B?

You do seem to follow him "everywhere", don't you?

Or,are you just one of those troll creatures people refer to you as?

Since you brought googling into the limelight, I thought I would find a
passge just for you.
If you refer to paragraph one, especially designed for Troll Dweller's
such as yourself.
I do hope that you find it helpful. Have an excellent day & enjoy your

A little less respectfully,

Ps:No need to tell everyone that I couldn't, & still can't read and
write perfectly yet, because I am doing it for you right now.Having
been illiterate most of my life, doesn't give you the right to
riddicule me.
I happen to be quite proud of my achievement's

Good Day