Bentonite for my pomegranate wine
> I'm thinking about using bentonite for fining my pomegranate wine. After
> using bentonite, is it necessary to filter the wine before bottling? Also,
> how long can the wine sit on the bentonite before it should be racked or
> bottled?
Bentonite should be used at room temperature but filtering is always
optional if the fining was successful. It's not a requirement for
bentonite or most fining agents. Bentonite lees are a little fluffy;
you should probably let is sit for a few weeks. I haven't had issues
with it being on the bentonite lees for over a month but there is no
benefit to letting it sit once it quits dropping sediment that I am
aware of. Some people counter-fine, other cold stabilize right on those
lees to have any tartrate crystals settle on the bentonite and compact
(I don't know if pomegranates even have any tartrates to drop out.)
I just rack the clear wine off and take the bentonite lees and put them
in a smaller full container and resettle them.