> Here are some horrific pictures of one (or two?) of the worse
> (inherited) Griswolds. I may have posted these before.
> http://www.tinypic.com/44947ef.jpg
> http://www.tinypic.com/3ygpgld.jpg
> http://www.tinypic.com/33a83fk.jpg
> http://www.tinypic.com/42l7la8.jpg
> http://www.tinypic.com/29x65hv.jpg
> Somehow they seem unsalvageable to me.
Angle grinder with grinding stone follow by a wire brush attachment or sand
blasting would make it pretty. Looks like rust, should dry it first than put
a light coating of grease before putting it in storage. That's what I would
do for my tools but for cookware, YMMV.
Also if its stored in an unheated and damp area like a basement, corrosion
could be problem.