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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Used cleaning product in self-cleaning oven - now what?

"Peter Lampione" > wrote

> Nancy2 wrote:

>> Did you have the oven cleaner lying around (if so, why?), or did
>> helpful MIL go out and buy some?

> She brought her own as soon as she noticed how dirty the oven was!
> (well, it wasn't that dirty, but my criterion for ovens had generally
> been to just clean up the spills, and do the detail work no more than
> once a year - and the oven was 6 months old or so).

When I read your story I felt your pain. I used to let my inlaws stay
here when we went away, it was a nice break for them, too. But I'd
come home wondering What broke now. Don't get me wrong, often
I'd get home and think Wow, I've never seen the garage so organized!
(laugh) Then you'd hear, that brand new stove, I couldn't get a high
flame, it took forever to boil water! and it made this clicking sound the
whole time! Ack, guess those igniters will be replaced early. Thought
I'd explained that process already.

Oh well, what are you going to do, she meant well. At any rate, I
think the problem is the stuff removed the self clean coating and that
you might not have a self cleaning oven any more. I don' t think it's
more than that.

Please let us know how it turns out? I'm very curious. Thanks.
