Anyone eaten Fox ?
Jnospam wrote:
> Omelet > wrote:
>>> They're my backyard and frontyard scouts! I don't wish them any harm.
>> You've never owned poultry. ;-)
>> I'm guessing too that if you have pet cats, you keep them indoors.
> How big are the foxes in your area? Most red foxes I've seen are
> about 10 pounds, although the puffy fur makes them look quite a bit
> larger. I can't imagine a red fox trying to take on an adult cat.
> I have seen a cat that stalked and attempted to take a fox. Foxes
> can run _fast_.
> Jnospam
In our neighborhood they go to the pond and eat duck.
It's interesting to see the flock of ducks gather in a tight circle
at the very center of the pond and quack loudly when one of the foxes is
seen lurking in the shrubs nearby. It's in vain, because we do see
piles of feathers on the shore occasionally.
We have ducks, geese, foxes, raccoons (who live in the storm sewers),
skunks, and even an occasional coyote skulking around. (I've discovered
that when neighbors claim we have a "scruffy white fox", they have seen
a coyote.)
gloria p