What's been in your cup lately?
Being known as a tea nutso in my family, my old father brought more and
more tea for me. These are the greener (qing xiang) oolongs of so-so
quality that are packaged in absolutely beautiful looking boxes and
cans designed to initially impress the giftee. My father gets A LOT of
these from his business contacts in China and Taiwan, and they usually
end up with me (the tea that is).
So I've been drinking a lot of those so-so greener oolongs. I just
chuck the leaves into a large coffee mug, rinse once and steep. No
hassle. Green, grassy, and sometimes seaweed-y. Not yum, not yech,
just tea.
I guess with one exception: 2001 Xia Guan iron beeng, which was quite
On Jan 26, 8:56 am, "Shen" > wrote:
> Me:
> Jing's Da Hong Pao
> ITC's Topaz pu-erh
> Fragrant Leaves' Monkey-picked Tie Kuan Yin
> Yunnan Sourcing Black/gold tippy buds
> Shen
> On Jan 26, 8:29 am, "Dominic T." > wrote:
> > Activity has been a bit low lately 'round here, so in hopes of both
> > livening up the joint as well as maybe seeing a tea listed that may
> > grab my attention and give me a change of pace... I want to know what's
> > been in your cups lately?
> > Mine:
> > Snow Leopard Buds
> > Min Pei (Red Robe) Oolong
> > Jasmine Pearls
> > Shui Xian (still hunting for that perfect one, not too charcoally but
> > not too plain)
> > Jasmine green mini-tuo's
> > Kukicha (green)
> > Mlesna Ice Wine tea
> > and some Lipton Green Label DJ/Brooke Bond Assam
> > Hell, I even broke down and tried a green tea latte from Seattle's Best
> > the other day and somewhat enjoyed it. (non-fat milk, but overall a
> > little too creamy for my tastes)
> > With the weather finally turning cold here (beating out that darn
> > global warming at last) I've been in a bit of a rut and my two current
> > go-to teas (Snow leopard and Red Robe) are running low... I need to
> > hear some other choices to move into.
> > - Dominic- Hide quoted text -- Show quoted text -