An RFC Mugshot?
Nancy2 > wrote:
>On Jan 25, 11:16 pm, Blair P. Houghton > wrote:
>> Nancy2 > wrote:
>> >As to Joan Rivers, I think she looks great - she's almost exactly the
>> >same, features, movement,Movement?
>> Her face has as much pliability as Janice the Muppet's.
>> >everything - as she was when she first
>> >started out as a comic.And her daughter caught the plastic surgery
>> >addiction from her.
>Her face and mouth were never very mobile. Her features have always
>reminded me of Theresa Brewer's - the singer - they both look like
>plastic dolls, and always have.
No, back before Joan started trying to "regain her youth"
she'd go from a moue to a broad smile in a heartbeat.
Now, it's a dead mask.
She might as well have left her own face alone and
bought one made of bone china.