What's been in your cup lately?
Assam, Rembeng Estate, CTCBOP a dark, black, strong,
blow-your-head-off-in-the-morning tea. Nilgiri, Dunsindale Estate,
flowery, nutty. Tai Mu Long Zu in little unfurling balls. Sencha
which starts tasting more asperagusy than grassy. The last two can do
an easy three steepings, fading to a sweet flower finish. A Ceylon
Earl Grey which I don't like but an occasional pot sharer does.
On Jan 26, 10:29 am, "Dominic T." > wrote:
> Activity has been a bit low lately 'round here, so in hopes of both
> livening up the joint as well as maybe seeing a tea listed that may
> grab my attention and give me a change of pace... I want to know what's
> been in your cups lately?
> Mine:
> Snow Leopard Buds
> Min Pei (Red Robe) Oolong
> Jasmine Pearls
> Shui Xian (still hunting for that perfect one, not too charcoally but
> not too plain)
> Jasmine green mini-tuo's
> Kukicha (green)
> Mlesna Ice Wine tea
> and some Lipton Green Label DJ/Brooke Bond Assam
> Hell, I even broke down and tried a green tea latte from Seattle's Best
> the other day and somewhat enjoyed it. (non-fat milk, but overall a
> little too creamy for my tastes)
> With the weather finally turning cold here (beating out that darn
> global warming at last) I've been in a bit of a rut and my two current
> go-to teas (Snow leopard and Red Robe) are running low... I need to
> hear some other choices to move into.
> - Dominic