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Default KitchenCraft cookware and waterless cooking

Debbie Deutsch wrote:

> "Elmo P. Shagnasty" > wrote in news:GHzeb.16596
> :
>>In article >,
>> "Rich Bednarski" > wrote:
>>>What is it about this cookware that is so unique that it can't be
>>>manufactured and sold through conventional retail outlets?

>>Whatever it is, it's the same thing that makes Amway shampoo so unusual
>>that it can't be manufactured and sold through conventional retail
>>In other words, nothing.
>>People get so suckered by marketing, it's not funny. Nobody seems to

> So how do you explain Cyndi?
> Sometimes I think that she got suckered in too, but can't accept that that
> may have happened to her, so she gets upset when people don't buy her
> assertions.

If she is happy with her cookware, what does it matter? I like my old
Revereware (copper bottoms) and Corningware, and other people here think
it's crap. I can live with that.

Best regards,