Thread: Birch Syrup
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Melondy Hill[_1_] Melondy Hill[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 22
Default Birch Syrup

Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Julian wrote:
>> When I was growing up in South Florida, there was a local chain of
>> fast-food restaurants (Royal Castle) that offered birch beer. This was
>> a soft drink, similar to root beer but a bit spicier. I liked it.
>> Don't know if the flavor is derived from (or related to) birch syrup.

> Birch beer is still available. I drink it every now and then:
> r&Nty=1
> Bob

Boylan's Birch beer is the best! The original is fabulous (if you like
the taste of wintergreen) and you must try the red. It's wonderful
poured over ice cream, too. My first taste of birch beer was visiting
upstate New York in the 80's. Brought home a suitcase of it on the
train. Used it up slowly.Ran out and found a distributor for Boylans in
our state and got cases delivered to us. Then we moved to New York years
later and they don't have it around much anymore. Strangely, there is
one Mennonite store here that stocks some Frozen Run which isn't too
bad. Can't find a distributor yet. Hopefully soon.

Here's a great site that rates just about every Root Beer and Birch in
the country. Found out about Boylan's from here many years ago.

Now I feel like tracking some down and having a drink. Thanks for the
