Melondy wrote:
> Boylan's Birch beer is the best! The original is fabulous (if you like the
> taste of wintergreen) and you must try the red. It's wonderful poured over
> ice cream, too. My first taste of birch beer was visiting upstate New
> York in the 80's. Brought home a suitcase of it on the train. Used it up
> slowly.Ran out and found a distributor for Boylans in our state and got
> cases delivered to us. Then we moved to New York years later and they
> don't have it around much anymore. Strangely, there is one Mennonite store
> here that stocks some Frozen Run which isn't too bad. Can't find a
> distributor yet. Hopefully soon.
> Here's a great site that rates just about every Root Beer and Birch in the
> country. Found out about Boylan's from here many years ago.
> Now I feel like tracking some down and having a drink. Thanks for the
> reminder!
I can get birch beer readily. What irks me is that California decreed that
all Nehi sodas must be labeled as carcinogenic, so Nehi stopped distributing
here. I tell you, the first sip of an ice-cold Nehi peach soda is uncannily
like biting into a perfect fresh peach. And I CAN'T HAVE IT ANY MORE!
*mumble-mumble...kill the politicians...grumble...*
Disgruntled Bob