Thread: Birch Syrup
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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Birch Syrup

Steve wrote about peach Nehi:

> They're available in cans and plastic bottles.
>> *mumble-mumble...kill the politicians...grumble...*

> Nehi could just change their bottle. The same as Snapple and
> other drink manufacturers did for Texas and other states that
> don't allow glass bottles in public.

The bottle is fine; California has no problem with glass bottles. (Imagine
the outcry from wineries if *that* happened!) But Nehi uses some form of
sweetener or dye that is on the LONG California list of potential
carcinogens. So California requires some kind of disclosure label similar to
the Surgeon General's warning on packs of cigarettes. Nehi apparently
decided that it would be too much trouble to comply, so they simply pulled
their wares out of California.
