Thread: Birch Syrup
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Puester Puester is offline
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Default Birch Syrup

Julian Vrieslander wrote:
> When I was growing up in South Florida, there was a local chain of
> fast-food restaurants (Royal Castle) that offered birch beer. This was
> a soft drink, similar to root beer but a bit spicier. I liked it.
> Don't know if the flavor is derived from (or related to) birch syrup.

It's not at all uncommon in New England. My late mother-in-law said
that her family used to make it along with homemade root beer. Her
father used to call it "birch squeezings" so I assume it was made from
birch twigs or sap. (This is the same Grandpa who, in his retirement,
moved to Florida and made wonderful grapefruit wine.)

Last time we were in N.E. birch beer was still available and the major
supermarkets had it bottled under their own label. Interestingly in
some stores it was clear, others gingerale colored, and some red.

gloria p