On Jan 28, 3:42�pm, Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote:
> On 27 Jan 2007 14:14:15 -0800, "Sheldon" > wrote:
> >On Jan 27, 3:55?pm, sf wrote:.Honestly, I can never figure out why apartment owners put the
> cheapest
> >> of the cheap in apartments. *ut in a self-cleaning oven!
> >Most tenants destroy everything (no point in buying any but the
> >cheapest), and if tenants are paying their own utilities they wouldn't
> >use the clean cycle anyway, most wouldn't use the clean cycle even if
> >utilities are paid... even that's too much effort, they'd need to dust
> >out the spoonful of ash.
> >Tenants are not normal people, that's why they're tenants.
> >It's very rare to find a responsible tenant, and then they don't stay
> >very long, the good tenants are saving their pennies to buy their own
> >place.Oy! Not everybody who rents an apartment is a lazy slob who trashes
> the place... some of us just live in hideously expensive parts of the
> country where you have to be a millionaire to own a house. (We're
> saving, but it's going to take about five years before we have enough
> to buy down here unless the market REALLY crashes, and DH doesn't want
> to move north.)
> Our landlord was DELIGHTED to buy our apartment when the building went
> condo because we're good tenants and our apartment was as close to
> immaculate as I could make it in such an old building. I love my
> apartment - I just wish I didn't have to have so many neighbours
You're one of the rare ones.